Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Voting & political awareness has been on the rise in the last couple of years. I say social networking and the increase in internet media is to thank or blame depends on how you look at it. Some people are genuinely interested in the political process and the rest are unfortunately just here for a show. This go around we have Gov. Romney running against President Obama (for his second term). As usual we have the Republican vs the Democratic party as everyone anticipates the selection of our nations new leader. Let the slander begin. Theres Mitt Romney who insist 47% of Americans are free loaders of the system and how we need to generate more jobs in our country disapproves of abortion & approved of big company bailouts in 2008, then there's Barack Obama who has in his four years kept country into a trillion dollar deficit, employment rate low and welfare members on the rise and (you cant forget this one) "killed Osama Bin laden. Everyon has there eyes on the two and opinions ready to share so our question is who do you support overall?

Vote Bleow, Let us know why in the comments.

Who Do You Support?

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